Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sydney Trip

Haha..ok ok..baru nk update ----> Guilty!!

Went to Sydney on the 26th-30th March last month. At first I though it would be enuff lepak 4 days there coz somebody told me that " xde pe sgt, xde byk tpt nk jalan sgt.." i bought tix for 4 days trip la..BUT..hampehh..didnt get enough time ok..y? keep on scrolling!!

Went there with Mr. Surprise, Mr. Bear & Mr. Manners..they also said not enough time spent there..anyway, here are my conclusion about offence, what ever written down are my opinion and i felt/experienced it...kalau x suka...suka hati gua gua beb! x setuju bukak blog sendiri..hehe

What I love about Sydney?

Max Brenner

Obviously., Max Brenner! Before went there heard rumors that no Max Brenner in Sydney, tu la..idup asyik dgr rumours je..Thank God ! ada....yeay...only my face could tell how satisfied I was after melantak my waffles..!

Krispy Kreme

Hehe...Max Brenner and Krispy Kreme comes together. Guess what! end of this month Krispy Kreme will be launched Brisbane!so, after this..xde la org2 brissy naik flight from mlbrne/sydney angkut dozens of donuts..

Fish Market

No word can describe how satisfied I was at Fish Market. Good food, fresh food...balik frm Sydney terus nk mkn udang n seafood je..Tgh simpan duit ni..nk pegi sydney balik, just to eat at fish market lagi..SLuRRp!


I love the N.A.O.M.I..they let me stayed at their place, walaupun br kenal. mula agak segan..then ntah mcm ne..masa sesi berkenalan terbukak psal lg...GURRLSS..terus mesraaa...haha!!anyway, before i went heard lotsa nice stuff bout them..nnt dtg brisbane lepak at my place pulak ye..Thanks to O.M.I..bwk jln2 around city..especially to Fish Market. I can tell, they looked so surprise when they saw we really enjoyed our meal..haha. As for N its ok..understood, u got commitment(bakal politician in few yrs,active berpersatuan..haha).As for A pulak...thanks for fetching us frm airport and sending us to the airport. Cayang cikit *Muah*

Bondi Beach

Only heard bout the name BONDI BEACH. Keep thinking..apa best sgt tpt tu..ntah2 mcm beach biasa je..Definitely not ok.The beach was sgt cool..the weather was great..ada la tergedik kejap, who knows i might bumped into any of hollywood celeb ke kan..---Dream on!--also, the surfers was hot..sgt best cuci mata and the wave was whalla..

Coogee Beach

Coogee Beach just like 5-10mins drive frm the NAOMIs. Its more like a relax beach..ala tempat suka la tu..opss!!i love the kan..the surrounding reminds me a bit of video clip westlife - if i let u go --->especially part the the waves hit the batu..

Opera House

People said, mmg loser la if u got to Sydney tp x pegi cam-whoring at Opera House. Even my mom pun pesan, make sure amik pics at the opera house and bridge.Done!

Harbour Bridge

Hehe..actually we went to the Opera House & Bridge twice. On the 2nd night and 3rd day afternoon. Just wanna see the lights and snapped some pics(err...some la sgt kan)..haha. The challenging part was snapping pics at night. Thanks to sifu camera specialised without flash --> me...haha!suka la mr.bear & mr.manners tu...being snapped good pics.hah..lps ni send kat awek masing2 lama2 they got the technique...nice pic!

Chinese Garden

I love Chinese Garden. I used to berangan wanna wear all these Chinese emperor and Mulan thingy. Finally got it.The mens/kings costumes came with the sword, but the womens/queens costumes came with --err..a FAN! kipas yg ala tarian kipas tu.hell no..i want that sword. tp x boleh, what i did was, i took one of their sword, and kept it with me.baru la mulan ok.then all the pics that i took suma ala warrior wannabe until the mr.bear & mr. manners sound 'eeii..dia ni dr td asyik nk jadi warrior..nk bunuh org je' what??padan muka kena bunuh...tgk pics atas kalau x percaya..


The funny part bout this, i can get kangaroos, koalas n wallabies at brisbane. jln jauh2, kat sydney baru jmpa..its ok, can compare those sydney animals and brisbane's animals pulak kan..

Darling Harbour

The development at Darling Harbour area sgt superb!Very nice..and was like a stretch of nice buildings, rivers etc.

The Sengal About Sydney

1. Transportation
Thank God I live in Brisbane...there No concessions, unfriendly bus drivers, drive bus pening...haiyaa!!crazyyy...Then only we realised how greatful we are to live in brisbane..where we can get $2.70 concession bus tix DAILY..whereas there we paid for $3 per SINGLE TRIP, and if nk beli daily tix $16..gilerr...even adults tix daily pun baru $5 kat sini. Kalau naik bus, muka drivers sorang2 cengeng je..x friendly langsung..until we met this driver as we were from Bondi Beach heading towards the city. Driver ni very friendly and make sure kitaorg trn at the right stop. dengar sini suma I LOVE BRISBANE..

2. Building Structure
Buildings kat city itself sangat pening. I dunno its just me or what(probably just me..)..for a 1st timer to Sydney like me..i found it memang pening. Unlike Melbourne..I love Melbourne better. Let say i got lost kat Melbourne, at least i know mana nk cari..just look for Flinders Street/Federation Square and go from there. Tapi kat Sydney..memang nana sesat. Nk tanya org mcm bkn diaorg x tolong,ada tu kasi silap info, ada tu x layan...I dunno where to go.. :(

3. Hard Rock Cafe
Ni lagi satu hampehh...dh semangat nk pegi lepak kat HRC Sydney, almost one hour pusing..rupanye HRC dh a month tutup. memang bangang ok...sakit jiwa! I wasn't surprise dah shut down, because that area doesnt look like a good area for HRC..tersangat la dodgy...mcm rupa rumah kedai je..x pun rumah tumpangan..

Hmm..I guess that's pretty much about Sydney...


nadee said...

ala Nana. sorry. damn, rasa bersalah gila. sorry la. saya pemalu. huhu. segan la dengan guest-guest yang datang. sumpah tak tipu. sebab tuh tak kuar bilik. masa malam2 dah nak tido tu baru kuar. time orang2 dah balik. hahaha. and ini fact! =)

pastu nana datang kejap sangat, tidak sempat untuk bermesra. sorrryyyy sangat. next time datang la lagi. this time i'll bring you around. apa nak buat, bagitau je.

sorryyyyyyyyy. and for a note, i wont be a leader. im not that confident and plainly malas. haha. haritu sebab terpaksa. haha.

Raudha Husain said...

The NAOMI loves to too!!! Glad u had fun, tp i ade sikit rasa bersalah for not being a good host.
Fishermarket won't be the same w/out u..xde sape kot yg beli byk mcm krg haha...
See u at MASCA.. insyaAllah.

Anonymous said...

nadee & odd,

ala..dont feel guilty la..korang asyik rs guilty je. nnt masca wajib dtg lepak rumah nana tau.insya allah..nana ada plan jugak nk pegi sydney nk pegi blue mountain & fish market (again) maybe around august..sblm balik msia..for good...waaaa...