Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hmm...I've been tagged by Nadee - one of the NAOMIs..sorry gals, took me quite a while to do this..

Write 10 random things about the people u know. It must be something they never told u directly, and u knew it either by guessing, eavesdropping, or through observations.When u're done, tag other ppl as usual.

1. I know that my mom really proud of me, for what I am now. She's very proud that I'm turning into her..slowly...especially bab self-confidence(although I am confidence) and being a strong woman financially & emotionally. I also know that she rely and trust me to take care of the family...especially my 2 adik alex & eg.

2. I know that EG really look up to me..also we have the same thoughts and perangai..

3. I know that Alex is still in search of what's the best for him. He's in the midst of the transition from being a boy to a man..tengah banyak confuse, and need my help..sebab sikit2.."kaklong..kalau mcm ni kan...,kaklong, mcm ne angah nk.."..hahaha

4. The NAOMI tengah nak form fan club for me and they want to be the committee for the club...hahahaha

5. 4/50 Warren Street rasa bosan if their cook x datang masak at their place...haha

6. Latape tgh frust sbb AF tahun ni bosan nak mampuss..woii..tukar issue blog la wei...AF6 sucks..better buat psal IDOL je...vote for DAVID COOK!

7. Mango would never cut his hair this year.

8. David Cook will win the American Idol...love him so damn very much!!

9. Roger Federer will break Pete Sampras punye Grand slam record

10. Queensland will be 2008 MASCA Champion...hahaha!!

err..sorry la NAOMI...i just dont know how to tagged people...cz i pun mengarut main tagging ni...i jwb tagging ni pun mengarut je...anyway,thanks for tagging nadee..(lenkali kasi la issue yg gile2 sikit,issue ni susah ler)..haha


nadee said...

Nana, I so idolize you!
You're THE mentor.
THE great one!

Haha, exaggerate and being sarcastic.

We're the members of Nana's Sydney Fan Club.=p

Anonymous said...

haha....mmg kelakar la statement tu kan...apa salah nye, sekali sekala being sarcastic with the naomi's..


oooh sempat kutuk aku ye...hahahhaha...

gi study...buat lit review tu...hahahha