Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Expect The Unexpected

Wow!In just one night I'm all done for my vacation next week. I'm going to Melbourne for the 3rd time.Isn't that crazy!!Specifically, I'm going to watch the Tennis Australian Open 2008..OMG!! I know, I know..I've been telling my friends that I'm not going to watch the game live this year..sebab dah pergi last year..I'm sorry!!That is just too good to resist...hahaha!! How does this happened??Ok macam ni...last Thursday, after came back from work, I switched on the TV and the Hopman Cup, Perth was on. It was a good mixed double match where France took on Serbia. Novak Djokovic & Jelena Jankovic played for Serbia. Dah la Jankovic tgh injured bcos she retired her singles game earlier..Suddenly, she survived and gave a good match and the Serbians won. All of sudden, I was inspired by the fighting spirit and the great match..and I thought, this might be the preview for the Grand Slam..x kan x pergi kot..bila year dah balik Malaysia, mmg xde chance la nk pergi.That night, I booked myself a flight tickets, 2 day sessions match tickets and an overnite bookings at Malaysia Hall...haha...memang gila.

Many people asked 'Aik..kenapa pergi 2 hari je?'..First..sbb sayang nk tinggal money money money money(ikut lagu The Apprentice). Second, sbb last year already watched match at Rod LaverArena, so this year nk merasa masuk Vodafone Arena pulak. Third, last year went for qtr & semis, players dh x berapa ramai, if pergi early round,players ramai giler..matches pun earlier rounds u go, the cheaper price for the tickets.Owh ye, i got seats at the player's entrance-lower levels..if u so happen to see me gedik2 at TV,just ignore ok.huhu. Fourthly, financial planning..haha..sebab kalau dok sana lama2 nnt duit habis..mmg budget x nk shipping,just pegi & tgk matches je..!OMG...soooo excited!!

Berikut adalah antara comment org2 sekeliling about this drastically crazee decision:

Sue(My boss): 'I knew you would just cant resist it don't you....'

Mama : 'Suka hati laaa.........'

Alex (My brother): 'Tak tahan la tu...angah dah agak dah, kaklong mesti nk pegi punye...'

Ika: 'you kan gila tennis..kalau xpegi mcm pelik je....'

Nadia Gale : ' come u go without me?xpe i pegi next year..'(gale, u xde..things wouldnt be the same like last year..xpe i kiss safin for u ye...hehehe)

Jerry: 'I dah agak dah...'

Alvin: 'You are the craziest woman la weyy...'

haha...cukup2 sessi syiok sendiri..will continue nk type dah.......

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